William Heise Campground
Desert View Overlook
Julian, California
2.8 miles
710 feet
1 hour
49 minutes

This hike was something of a let down. The photos look nice now in retrospect, but in person the views didn't feel that impressive. Especially at the top by the Glen Wyatt viewpoint. The valley was partially obstructed by the hillsides, and even if it were totally clear it wouldn't have blown us away.

The trail is also entirely exposed and has a descent ascent over a small distance. It was a hot sunny day for us. All that made it feel a little unrewarding given the effort.

It was a nice view, stopping and looking backwards down to the campgrounds.

It's been a wet spring and the green colors show it.

Not much wildlife to see, aside from a few birds in the sky.

Feeling very comfortable in my new hiking outfit.

Happy back in Julian getting lunch!

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